Vol.9 No.1
The Narrative Motif of the Ghost in Classical Chinese Literature
Cristina Dinu
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Dinu, C. (2022). The Narrative Motif of the Ghost in Classical Chinese Literature. International Journal Of Linguistics, Literature And Culture, 9(1), 1-9. doi: 10.19044/llc.v9no1a1
Multilingualism and the management of small and medium-sized enterprises: the case of Sicilian firm websites and related localisation strategies
Giuseppina Di Gregorio
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Di Gregorio, G. (2022). Multilingualism and the management of small and medium-sized enterprises: the case of Sicilian firm websites and related localisation strategies. International Journal Of Linguistics, Literature And Culture, 9(1), 22-40. doi: 10.19044/llc.v9no1a22
The Italian immigrants and the American Dream in Pascal D’Angelo’s “Son of Italy”
Matteo Cacco
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Cacco, M. (2022). The Italian immigrants and the American Dream in Pascal D’Angelo’s “Son of Italy”. International Journal Of Linguistics, Literature And Culture, 9(1), 10-21. doi: 10.19044/llc.v9no1a10