Vol.5 No.4
Authors: Yasir Alyafaei Authors: Authors: Maha Zawil Authors:Teachers’ Knowledge of and Attitude Towards Incorporating Computer Assisted Language Learning in EFL Classrooms
Rais Attamimi1231 DownloadsDefective Body Symbolism as a Countenance of Despotism in Hama Tuma’s Selected Short Stories
Odhiambo G. Otieno
Edwin Mosoti
Elizabeth Odhiambo1175 DownloadsGossip as an Instrument of Tragedy in Tess of the D’urbervilles1182 DownloadsFrontier Anxiety and the American Indian in the Fiction of Cooper and Simms
Abida Benkhodja1107 Downloads
Authors: Vilija CeliesieneMetadiscourse Markers in Technical Texts
Erika Sabulyte1161 Downloads